Self Treatment
Self Treatment Turmoil

In today’s society it can be quite tempting for a person to seek out a source of instant gratification to help them cope with the struggles that they face from day to day. Unfortunately, this search leads many people to a path of drug abuse. In most cases, people who abuse drugs destroy their life and turn everything upside down and backwards.

Drug use will start off as occasional use in most cases. However, most people who abuse drugs will surely find themselves addicted to the drug, sooner or later. Addiction can be very hard to break free from and as mentioned before, addiction can completely ruin a person’s life. The effects of addiction will start off slow but before you know it you will be stuck in the pit of addiction and it will seem as if there is no way out. You may be one of these people who are lost in addiction and cannot find their way out or you may know someone who is going through this. If this is the case you are reading the right book. The following chapters in this book will explain the basics of drug addiction and provide you with some

pointers that will be very useful for trying to beat your addiction. It is important to keep in mind that the process of beating an addiction is extremely difficult and you may experience setbacks. If and when these setbacks occur you must not give up and you must continue the fight. After all, you are in a fight for your life!

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Senior Citizen
Senior Citizen Living
Discover How You Can Make Your Senior Years As Golden as Possible!
Many senior citizens look forward to enjoying their retirement years, but instead find themselves plagued with many difficulties.
Of course there are some things that happen that are beyond their control, but some of the problems can be made less difficult or avoided altogether with the proper knowledge and planning.
Some of the difficulties they face involve finances, health issues, where to live, how to deal with long term care.  Should they move into a Assisted Living home or can they maintain their independence while living alone?
What happens when a senior citizen finds they can no longer drive themselves around or perhaps dress themselves?
How do senior citizens and their love ones deal with it if they are diagnosed with something that will require ongoing care on a daily basis?
Senior Citizens also need start planning for their retirement well before they are going to be ready to retire.
Medications are important part of a senior citizens life, but sometimes they are unable to manage it on their own. How will you deal with this?
Caring for an elderly relative can be an extremely stressful process and if you are a family member, you’re bound to be emotionally effected by it. Decisions will need to be made to determine if it’s best to hire someone else to do it for you.
Who Will Make Decisions For You In Your Senior Years, if You Can’t Make Them Yourself?
Learn why having a will is important, what should be included in it,and where you can go to get one written for you.
Very few seniors will have a generous income when they retire unless they are making their savings work for them and therefore every penny counts. Learn some tips to help you manage your budget.
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Simplified Living

Simplifying may some of the times be overwhelming. The sum of stuff you have in your life and the sum of things you have to do may be too huge a mountain to undertake.

However you don’t have to simplify it all at once. Do one matter at a time, and take little steps. You’ll get there, and have fun doing it.

As a matter of fact, you are able to do small but important things today to begin living the simple life.

Simplified Living

Tips On Living A Simpler Life In The Hectic 21st Century

A big percentage of our energy use comes from the gas we utilize to drive our cars. With gas prices surging higher by the day, driving is costly not only in terms of energy utilization, but likewise personal and family budgets. Bicycling makes a simple and healthy alternative to driving and may help save energy, which not only betters our country’s energy use problem, but may also help you hold onto your income in the bargain.

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Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea


Sleep apnea is a condition when you temporarily stop breathing while you’re sleeping or the breaths that you take are shallow.  The temporary breathing can last from a few seconds and go on for a few minutes.  These breathing interruptions can happen so many times an hour, even more than 30 times within that 60 minute time span.

Afterwards, you would breathe normal again.  It may be accompanied by loud snorting or choking.  This condition can interrupt you from getting a good night’s sleep.  It causes you not to get as much sleep as you need to.  Sleep apnea causes you to be tired and sleepy during the day.

This condition is not one of those that are easily diagnosed.  Also it is usually not detected during a regular exam with your physician.  Because it happens while you are sleeping, you probably would not know that you had it unless someone notice an unusual pattern in your sleeping.

The way that you may find out about it is if someone notices it while you’re sleep.  Even then, they probably won’t know that you may have sleep apnea.

Millions of adults are suffering from sleep apnea and don’t know it.  The majority of them are overweight or obese.  Men suffer from this condition more than women.  The older a person is, the more likely they can inherit this condition.  With women, they can develop sleep apnea in the post-menopausal stage of their life.

More minority groups, such as African-Americans, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders develop sleep apnea more than other ethnic groups.  It can also be inherited from a family member.  If you have small airways in your throat, mouth or nose, you are more likely to have this condition.

Young children that have larger than normal tonsil tissues can also develop sleep apnea.  You can also be at risk for sleep apnea if you:

•    Smoke

•    Have high blood pressure

•    Potential for having a stroke

•    Heart Failure

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Sleep Well
Sleep Well, A Natural Remedy Guide

Discover How to Get Rid of Your Sleep Problems Naturally … So You Can Start Getting the Deep, Restful Sleep You Need!

You’re About to Discover Natural Techniques You Can Use to Fall Asleep Faster, Sleep Through the Night & Wake Up Feeling Rested & Refreshed!

If you are currently having difficulty sleeping, then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!

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Sleeping Sound

Good sleeping habits provide people with a rejuvenating sleep every night. A person who does not have good sleeping habits will always be prone to several kinds of sleep disorders that are not too easy to treat. It is true that sleep disorders have corresponding solutions in the field of healthcare industry these days. But people should never let themselves be victimized by these medical conditions for each of it can destroy their health status permanently especially when not treated immediately.

Sleep disorders are included in the list of main reasons why many people in this world suffer from sleepless nights every year. The most effective way to improve the quality of sleep that a person can achieve every night is to rely on all benefits that good sleeping habits can provide.

It is important to have an excellent quality of sleep every night. This is because it’s the only thing that can help a person to stay strong and full of energy during day hours. In addition to that, good quality of nightly sleep also helps a person to be healthy every day. It can strengthen the immune system of an individual naturally.

Eight hours of sleep is the most recommended amount of resting time for all people in this world during evening hours. Those people who usually fail to sleep for almost eight hours every night suffer from serious medical conditions and diseases like cancer and heart diseases in the end. Science contains the most comprehensive explanation for all these things.

Good quality of sleep has so many benefits to offer in a human body aside from good health status and overwhelming energy. Guess what? It has an amazing ability to increase the daily productivity rate of an individual since it has positive effects on the brain function and mental health of an individual.

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Stress Management

Stress is a misdemeanor waiting to happen. Stress will wear heavy on your nerves when it builds up, causing you to feel depressed. You may start to develop unnatural health issues that seem to have no justifiable cause for its development. This can lead to problems, which is why you want a guide to thriving on stress. You can avoid many problems by taking action instead of letting stress get you down.

How can I learn to be stress free?
In order to be stress free you have to work at it, it will not come to you over night. It takes time to train your brain to deal with stress. Stress is very bad for you so if you can learn to be stress free you will be better off in the long ran. There are many ways to train you brain to get rid of the stress.

What are some of the things I can do to train my brain to be stress free?
You have to decide what you may want to try first and see what will work for you.
Some people may like to read, which is good for you to be lose in times with a good book. Others like to just walk or even work out. Working out is a good way to get rid of stress so if your stressed you are doing something healthy for your body.

Stressors in Stress Management

Stressors are something that causes us to feel stressed. We get stressors build up from activities, experiences, or any situation that may cause stress. When we do not have sufficient foodstuff, water, or when we feel overworked, it causes stress to increase.

To learn how to manage stress, we must learn how to cope and reduce stressors. However, some of these stressors are encouraging. When you join in activities for example, you often have fun. Still, stress mounts. Therefore, after enjoying activities the best way to thrive on this positive stress is to relax. Relaxation comes from reclining and enjoying something that brings you happiness. For instance, you may relax by watching a healthy program on television, read a book, or just simply recline.

When you take time to relax you, reduce stress by lessening up the stressors. On the other hand, when you are stressed from lack of foodstuff, this is unhealthy stress. You have the willpower to take control however by accumulating resources. Instead of letting the stress wear you down, take action. Call resources in your area to see if you have options in getting foodstuff to feed your family. Family community centers, welfare programs and other resources can offer you link to managing your problem. This will help you reduce stress by slacking up on stressors.

You can also ask for help from family members, friends, etc when you do not have enough foodstuffs. Perhaps someone will lend you a hand until you receive your next check. Learn to rely on you however, rather than others. Start to think of ways to make extra income so that you and your family can survive. Perhaps you can reconsider your current job. If you do not get enough wages, think of your skills to find out what job you can apply for to increase your income.

Perhaps something in your past is haunting you. These stressors, you can minimize by taking action to conquer your ghosts. Learn to meditate and relax often. The strategies you learn will help you to bring your mind in harmony, which will reduce stress. Learn to accept what you cannot change. If you have emotional responses often because of some experiences in your past, practice some helpful therapeutic techniques to take control.

Try self-talk. Use this is a guide to Stress Management by refocusing on what you need to do to accomplish your goals.

Some other stressors include bills, work, family, relationships, kids, school, etc. Consider each stressor when you are stress management to accomplish blossoming into a new you.

If you stress bills, perhaps you can set up a budget that fits your income. If your problem emerges from your relationship, then maybe you need to review what changes you can make to make your relationship better. You cannot change someone else, but you can take steps to change you. Rather, you can change other people by making necessary changes to reform your conduct, which will encourage the ones you love also change their behaviors.

When you are stressing over children, learn to discover what your child needs to make him or her happy. Happy kids often bring you great rewards. Sometimes you just have to take time out to spend with your children to help them develop healthy behavior patterns to make your life easier.

If you are working, attending classes and sweating family and bills then learn some time management schemes to help you readapt to a new, healthier way of managing your tasks. Handle the larger tasks first, avoid procrastination, and seek support to thrive on stress and to control your life.

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Stress Management

Just about everyone who you talk to nowadays will complain about being “stressed out.” Thirty years ago, no one ever even used this term. Today, however, it is a staple in most conversations. We often refer to ourselves as being “stressed out” when we discuss our careers as well as our personal lives.

Recent studies indicate that even children are “stressed out.” Little kids, who shouldn’t have a care in the world, are becoming “stressed” due to activities at home or at school. In most cases, they are simply inheriting the stress from their parents.

Psychologists who deal with “stressed out” individuals blame the current situation on everything from the foods we eat to our society. Most agree that people today attempt to do “too much” and end up getting burned out.

We all experience stress during the course of our lives. There is a difference, however, in being constantly stressed out and experiencing stress due to a certain situation. Anything that dramatically disrupts our lives is a cause for stress. Most people recover from the stressful situation after it has been resolved or over a period of time.

Other people tend to get stressed out all the time. In fact, their entire life appears to be one big stress factory. This is unhealthy and is gradually taking its toll on our society. Each year, billions of dollars are spent on symptoms of stress. There are dozens of prescriptive medicines on the market today that address stress and anxiety. Millions of people are on some sort of medication for “stress.”

What has happened in the past thirty years that has caused us to become such a nation of stressed out individuals? Is society expecting too much from us or are we expecting too much from ourselves? Why are so many people suffering from the following:
• Anxiety disorder
• Social anxiety disorder
• Obsessive compulsive disorder
• Anorexia Nervosa
• Depression
• Panic attacks

Years ago, no one ever even heard of these conditions, now they are featured in every magazine you encounter. There is a huge market to treat both depression and anxiety, which usually go hand in hand and are the offspring of stress.

Pharmaceutical companies are cranking out different anti-depressants all of the time. These are said to be ‘better” than the other anti-depressants that they discovered a year prior. Thirty years ago, no one ever even heard the term “anti-depressant.” If you used that expression back then, people would think you were talking about something to do with your car.

Today it seems as if every single person you encounter is “on something” for stress, depression or anxiety. All of them can neatly be lumped into the same category and are caused by stress.

Stress is usually at the root of all of the above psychological disorders. It also affects us physically as well. Stress has been linked to every disease known to man, including heart disease and cancer. Clearly, it is not a good idea for people to be under stress. But, as human beings, we are going to experience stressful situations. There is no avoiding this fact. Therefore, in order to really be able to help cure ourselves from being “stressed out” we need to know how to do the following:
• Identify stressors that affect our daily lives;
• Eliminate the stressors of which we can free ourselves;
• Learn to deal with stressful situations in a healthy way

If you are one of the millions of people who are feeling stressed out, you must take a look at the reasons why you are stressed out and try to do what you can to eliminate as much stress as you can from your life. If you continue to be “stressed out” you will most likely find yourself taking some sort of prescription drug for one of the above disorders. Taking prescription drugs for stress does not mean that you are “crazy.” This book will discuss alternative ways to deal with stress, but as a last resort, you are better off with the medications than allowing your body to be battered by stress.

Life is way too short to go through it being stressed out. And chances are that you will shorten your lifespan significantly if you continue to be “stressed out “ through the daily course of your life. This is especially true as many of the things over which you may be stressed are minor, but have been blown up in your mind to be worse than they actually are.

Wouldn’t it be nice to actually be able to go through life without being “stressed out” over everything and without drugs or medications? This book will teach you everything you wanted to know about stress and how you can avoid this scourge that seems to be plaguing millions of people.

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Stress Soothers
Stress Soothers

Free Your Mind And Achieve Peace

Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today!

Finally You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These “Must Have” Tools For Achieving Peace And Calmness And Live A Life Of Comfort That You Deserve!

In this world full of uncertainty – Wars, economic crises, killing, rape and robbery, it’s difficult for one to lead a calm and peaceful life. Sometimes, the unnervingness of it all can lead to disease and complications which harm our health.

And once get caught up in such situations, it’s hard to improve our health situation or worse, the disease can progress or worsen.

But here’s the good news:

Stress can be reduced with the right tools and techniques!

Introducing… Stress Soothers

Here’s an overview of this ultimate guide to achieving peace and calmness:

– With this guide, you’ll be equipped with the most powerful tools and strategies to helping you reduce stress.

– You will also be exposed to plenty of highly effective methods for identifying triggers and preventing them.

– You’ll also get tons of extra information on your conditions and how you can deal with them in a variety of ways to achieve peace and calmness in stress using natural methods.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is Stress?
Chapter 2: The Different Types of Stress
Chapter 3: Factors that Lead to Stress
Chapter 4: The Effects of Stress
Chapter 5: How to Abolish Stress
Chapter 6: How to Avoid Stress
Wrapping Up

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Striking the Balance between Your Physicality and Your Spirituality

Our spirituality and our physicality are the two components of which we are made. If we could strike the right balance between the concrete and the abstract parts of our being, we could definitely turn ourselves into better people. This eBook takes you through striking this all-important balance.

What is the right balance between our physicality and our spirituality? When do we say that it has been struck?

The Right Balance
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Man is a complex compound. He is made up of one part mind and one part matter. When the two parts are harmoniously joined, he sparkles like a diamond with the joy of life. But when the two parts conflict or are unbalanced, the result is a dismal lump of coal.

We tend to forget that we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings undergoing a physical experience. The spiritual being needs the human body to explore life to the fullest and to propagate life on earth. And the material body seeks the spirit to motivate it higher, beyond the baser instincts of animals.

A balance has to be struck between our physicality and our spirituality. There are many ways and aspects to this quest. In the following chapters, we will explore the techniques of Yoga, Qigong, Zen Buddhism and other forms of meditation to quell the mind and harmonies it with the body.

The search for three vital qualities that act as the cornerstones of our lives are also explored in The Three Pillars of Life. Spiritual nourishment is outlined in Feeding Your Soul and laughter, the best medicine is administered in yet another chapter.

Disturbing influences on the Phi-Psi balance are discussed and the role that money plays in our lives is also investigated. No discussion on body and spirit can be complete without evaluating healthy sexual relationships. Towards a Spiritual Sexuality ponders on Sex & the Spirit. And finally we close with a few reflections on the power of prayer.

Welcome to a journey of self exploration, where we travel at the interface of mind and matter!

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The Anxiety Antidote

Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today!

Finally You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These “Must Have” Tools For Achieving Peace And Calmness And Live A Life Of Comfort That You Deserve!

In this world full of uncertainty – Wars, economic crisises, killing, rape and robbery, it’s difficult for one to lead a calm and peaceful life. Sometimes, the unnervingness of it all can lead to disease and complications which harm our health.

And once get caught up in such situations, it’s hard to improve our health situation or worse, the disease can progress or worsen.

But here’s the good news:

ANXIETY is something that CAN be cured! You just need to have the right tools and strategies for breaking it!

Introducing… The Anxiety Antidote

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Self Confidence
The Art Of Self Confidence

Constructive changes to self-reliance and constructive changes rest inside of you and all it takes is you to take some time to discover your inner powers. To get started however, you may need some help guides to encourage you and to help you choose the best practices that make it possible for you to make creative changes that guide you to success.

Before we get started, I feel it important to define what self-reliance and constructive changes mean. We realize that some people may struggle trying to understand the concept of this title.

Self-reliance is your independent willpower to discover ways that you can make changes. This is your autonomy or self-governing will to take charge of your life.
Constructive changes are possible to achieve once you take action. Using your self-ruler within you that are your inner strengths, you can change habits or behaviors to positive ones. Constructive changes mean to reform your ways to positive, helpful ways that become beneficial to all.

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