Developing Powerful Vision And Inspiring People With Them

Great people have always been people with visions. They have come, they have seen and they have conquered. It is the “seeing‟ part that we recognize as visions. These are the parts that are useful to us.

Envisioning has various aspects to it. One of the chief aspects is that it has to be within the realms of achievable reality.

But what defines „achievable reality‟? Do you only build visions within your possible means? How, then, do people achieve the impossible? How do they go ahead of what their peers and predecessors have achieved?

Find out the answers here, and more.

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Living an Inspired Life and Inspiring Others


There are two aspects to inspiration – being inspired and inspiring others.

The first of these enriches us and the second helps us enrich others. In this eBook, we shall learn how we can go about achieving both these results – how we can be inspired and how we can inspire others.

Read on and enrich yourself and others.

It is inspiration that keeps us going.

Living an Inspired Life
v. in·spired, in·spir·ing, in·spires
1. To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.
2. To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion
a. To stimulate to action; motivate
b. To affect or touch
3. To draw in (air) by inhaling.
4. Archaic
a. To breathe on.
b. To breathe life into.
What is meant by an inspired life? Is an inspired life lived only by saints and prophets? Is inspired living the sole domain of Enlightened Ones?

The English Dictionary defines inspire‘ as to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence’. It also means to fill with enlivening or exalting emotion’ and to stimulate to action’. Another meaning of the word is to draw in air.

But an archaic meaning of the word  inspire is to breathe life into’! So Inspiration implies a breathing in of life, as well as to give life to others. For ordinary individuals and for everyday life, it means breathing in and out better. Simply put – Living Better.

To live an inspired life is to walk with an enhanced awareness of everyone and everything around you, to see divinity and delight in everyday people and events, and to infuse your environment with the same magical energy.

Again, that sounds mystical and out of reach, doesn’t it? But an Inspired Life can be inculcated through little steps every day – by reading, listening, talking, touching and breathing in only the best and beautiful of experiences. We are conscious beings, constantly being fed by our five senses. Immerse your senses in the inspiring creations of Man and Nature and you will feel the difference.

In these chapters let us explore ways and means of getting that extra special glow of inspiration. How do great people get inspired? What is the raw material for an inspired mind? What blocks the high ways of inspiration? How do we recharge our inspiration? How can we inspire others? Let us embark on a journey to breathe life into ourselves and others!

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