100 Weight Loss Tips
There was also a time when the thought of losing weight didn’t even occur in our society, people ate what mom cooked for dinner and they went to work. The difference in that society and today’s society is that work was not behind a computer screen, but on their feet in the fields or on a warehouse floor. People worked physically because that was the only way to work, in fact, that’s why it was called work! It was often during this time that people could eat anything they wanted because they were burning much more calories than what they consumed.
But, like all good things, that too has passed and the technology of today’s world has left us in one condition – an overweight one. Our life styles have changed so drastically and our comforts have increased tenfold. As they say, every rose has its thorn and for our society our desire to have comfortable lives and to work less has begun to show around the waistline.
The bad thing about all of this is the more weight you gain, the more dangerous it becomes. Extra weight spells illness, whether it is in the form of diabetes or a heart condition, it’s bound to show up if you don’t do something about it. You have to be proactive in weight gain and you have to work it off until it gets to a point where you no longer have control. It’s not necessarily about being toned and sculpted, but at a weight that is not life threatening. You can work on the abs later, right now you just need to shed some extra body fat. As society realizes what is happening and that we are overweight as a whole, people are trying to play catch up and work from behind. They are trying to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
This eBook is your guide to losing that first ten pounds that we all struggle with. It’s amazing what little changes in your life can add up to you losing ten pounds and they all revolve around eating right and getting your body moving.

15 Holiday Weight Loss Tips
Discover The 15 Best & Easiest Ways To Keep Yourself Trim This Holiday Season In This All New, Best-Selling Ebook.
Being Fit All Year Round Doesn’t Have To Be A Fantasy. Make Your Wish A Reality With These Easy To Implement Fat Busting Tips!
Get Tons Of Compliments This Year, And Every Year About How Great You Look!

20 Productivity Boosting Methods For The Positive Mind
“20 Productivity Boosting Methods For The Positive Mind”
Increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!
In this book, you will learn all about:
Get Rid Of It and Setting Daily Goals
Dreaded First and Apex Cycles Of Productiveness
No Communication Times and Micro-Mileposts
Time Framing and Wake Early
Pacing and Clear The Clutter
Bust Procrastination and 60 Second Decisions
Much MORE!

36 Potent Foods To Help You Lose Weight Live Healthy
Who Else Wants To Lose Weight
& Live Healthy Naturally?
Imagine …
No Pills
No Exercise
No Extra Costs
In 36 Potent Foods to Lose Weight & Live Healthy, you will discover:
a fruit that melts away the fat and leaves you feeling satisfied longer
Michigan State University found certain types of bread actually reduces your appetite
University of Florida found this fruit helps dissolve fat and cholesterol
people think this vegetable puts on the pounds but St. Helena Hospital found you can achieve rapid weight loss
this miracle from Asia makes your metabolism run on high and even lowers cholesterol
what the Roman gladiators ate for strength – it wasn’t meat!
these sweet tiny fruits will satisfy the “sweet tooth” in all of us so we don’t eat empty calories
and more…

Abundance And The Art Of Giving
“Abundance And The Art Of Giving ”
The More You Give, The More You Will Receive! !
In this book, you will learn all about:
Karma and abundance-what is it?
The art of giving …
What you give yourself when you give to others.
Tips for if you have nothing to give.
How to pay it forward!
About what is abundance.
Much MORE!
The art of abundance is discovering the provision in what is right before you, seeing the hand of God already affording you what you need, minute by minute. Then sharing the abundant blessings God has presented with others. And finishing the circle of giving by praising the One who gave the gifts for us to savor.
Abundance And The Art Of Giving
The More You Give, The More You Will Receive!

Accomplishing Your True Calling
Align Yourself To Your Passions And Take On The World With Your Power!
If you take a minute to design your day, write up your to-do list, or consider what action to choose next, stop and inquire, “Where is the course with a heart and soul?” This is potent as it will help you right away dispose of the choices that don’t have a heart and soul.
If you’re sitting at home, attempting to determine how to spend your night, ask yourself the heart and soul question. Observe how particular options feel hardhearted and void, while other courses bring about a tingle of fervor when you think about them.
Let your heart and soul help you discover the correct course. Take note that the word courage is in the word encouragement. Once we identify the course with a heart and soul, we feel boosted to get moving.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Heart and Soul Query
Chapter 2: Preparation
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Commit Beforehand
Chapter 5: What Bravery Does For You
Wrapping Up

Activities For Young Adults
Young adults when enjoying activities will learn how to develop a positive mind if they continue to stay active. When a child has nothing to do, they feel bored, which can lead them into trouble. Throughout our history, we see clear evidence that when a person is inactive they often come face to face with the law at one time in their life.
To help children stay out of trouble we have to find something for them to do. Something can include karate classes, time with dad, Awana programs, after school activities, crafts and more.
Your young adult will benefit from these activities only if he or she is interested. If your child shows no interest in a particular activity, it is important to help your young adult finds something that he or she likes. When a child enjoys the activity likely, he or she will pursue goals he sets to complete his role in the actions.
To help you appreciate how young adults benefit from activities we have written 50 articles that guide you to helping your child. Your child will also enjoy swimming activities, see how.

Anger Management
Don’t Let Anger Ruin Your Life!
Discover How to Gain Control of Your Anger … Before It Gains Control of You!
While anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion, it can sometimes get out of control and turn destructive.
If you currently have an anger problem that is causing you difficulties at work, in your personal relationships, and/or in the overall quality of your life … then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!
Here’s why:
You are about to discover how to gain control of this often unpredictable emotion in just six easy steps!
It’s true. If anger has been disrupting your life at work, at play or it has caused you to hurt (emotionally or physically) those around you, then I urge you to read on!
It’s Time That You Learned How to Stop Anger in Its Tracks!
Anger Management is Here for You!
Anger has a sneaky way of making itself known in the most uncommon of situations, which most often the person getting angry doesn’t have any control over.
Sometimes people don’t even know that they are angry until something happens to trigger the sudden change in mood. If this has happened to you, you may feel that there is no way to fix your underlying problem because you don’t know where it stems from.
But this is simply not true. In fact, there is a new ebook available entitled, “Anger Management: How to Stop Anger from Ruining Your Life” that can help you quickly and easily realize:
* What anger is
* Why you are experiencing the emotion in the first place
* And what you can do to control it and keep it from ruining your life!
That’s right, you no longer have to feel like you are at the mercy of this powerful emotion. You can control it. All you need to do is to read the expert tips, tricks, techniques and secrets contained in “Anger Management.”
Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing ebook:
* 5 common “root causes” of anger – and how to stop letting these causes affect how you feel!
* How to learn to appreciate what you do have control over, rather than stress yourself out about the things that you don’t – follow this advice and you’ll be amazed at how much of your anger problem begins to quickly disappear!
* How to cure your anger problem in six easy steps – follow these tips and you’ll put yourself on the fast track to feeling happy and content!
* How to keep your emotions from playing tricks on your mind – many times people get angry for reasons created by their feelings … find out how to put an end to that in a hurry here!
* How to refocus the energy from your anger problem into something more beneficial such as volunteering – this way, your energy will be spent in a productive manner rather than a negative one!
* How substance abuse can affect your anger problem – plus, 11 substances that anyone with an anger problem should stay away from at all costs!
* 6 common disorders that can cause anger problems – and how to know when you should seek medical attention to determine if you have one of these disorders
* A simple breathing exercise that can quickly put an end to any feelings of being overwhelmed (which is a common cause of anger) you may have – after experiencing the effectiveness of this technique you’re only regret will be that you didn’t know about it sooner
* How anger can strip you of your quality of life – ever heard of being “scared straight” reading these examples of anger gone too far could do just that to you!
* Why when it comes to anger, laughter is the best medicine – plus, five things you can do to get yourself laughing immediately!
* 11 tricks for dealing with your anger – learn to use these and you’ll be able to make yourself feel calmer and happier in no time!
* How to teach yourself and your children to cope with anger – including three amazing techniques anyone can use to finally gain control of their feelings and emotions!
* And much, much more, including:
o How to identify someone with an anger management problem
o How to deal with feelings of anger that arise during a conversation with someone
o How anger negatively affects the body

Anxiety and Depression 101
What are depression and anxiety? Are they diseases or just weaknesses to which certain individuals fall prey? Those who are proponents of modern psychology feel that they are diseases that must be treated with medication and therapy. Those who are against modern psychology feel that this is a state of mind that can be overcome with strong will. Who is right?
This book will teach you not only about depression and anxiety and the different levels of this disorder, but also a bit about the history of depression, the different ways that they manifest themselves, how to tell if you need treatment and many different ways to treat both disorders.
Most information that you read about depression or anxiety is created to sell you a certain cure or idea regarding these matters. Very few are objective when it comes to their reporting. Most will be slanted one way or another. If you read information from a pharmaceutical company, for example, they will tout the different medicines that are available for depression and anxiety. Then there are the all natural cures that will tell you how dangerous medication is.
Then there is this book. This is you all comprehensive book about depression and anxiety. Here you will learn everything there is to know about depression and anxiety in easy to understand language. You will also visit with some people who have suffered with depression and anxiety and see how they helped themselves. By learning all of the facts about depression and anxiety, you will be better prepared to make a decision regarding your own treatment or the treatment of a loved one.
This book is not meant to give you medical advice. Depression can be a serious issue that can require medical attention. This book is meant to help you understand a bit about depression and anxiety and what type of cures and treatments are available to you today.

Aromatherapy for Cynics
“Are You Curious About The Healing Power Of Aromatherapy But Not Convinced It Really Works?”
You may not believe it, but aromatherapy can be extremely useful in helping heal complicated emotional and medical problems. It can help promote a positive emotional state of being and has been proven to help deal with problems ranging from grief and anger issues to asthma, migraines and even chicken pox.

Baby Steps to Orderliness and On the Path of Organization Special
The Baby Steps mp3 is the first mp3 to use. It has 3 of the 4 “Secrets of Success” for decluttering. It begins the process. On the Path mp3 has the 4th Secret of Success and is the second mp3 to use. It continues the process started in the Baby Steps mp3. Many people start with Baby Steps, then go to On the Path. Then after awhile, you can choose whichever one seems right in that moment for you.
These are downloadable mp3s (not physical CDs).

Banish Bad Habits
The Secret to a Happier and Healthier Life
Everywhere you look, people want to know why they’re unhappy. And they want to know what they can do about it.
Have you ever asked yourself why intelligent people let bad habits keep them from living happier and healthier lives? I ask myself that question all the time.
We live in a world where 30-second commercials offer instant solutions. We shouldn’t be surprised when easy solutions don’t work: There are no magic bullets, no quick fixes on the path to lasting change.
People are overwhelmed with options today. It’s beginning to seem that the more solutions there are, the harder it is to find one that works.
Programs that promise easy change fail because they gloss over the necessary stages that people have to go through on the path to lasting change. People who regain more weight than they lost by following the latest fad diet are victims of programs that ignore the need for a lifestyle change.
Many people have learned the hard way that lasting change is only possible when you have the right information.
New Year’s resolutions usually fail. They don’t work because people jump into them without the right preparation. As I learned from my own experience, you can’t be successful in the action stage if you haven’t been successful in the preparation stage.
Most people make New Year’s resolutions when they wake up with a hangover—or with a few extra pounds weighing them down. They haven’t done the necessary preparation to have a fighting chance to be successful. It’s no wonder so many people give up before January is over.
My research, as well as my experience and common sense, tell me that anyone can change, if you have a compelling reason to change—and the right strategy to guide you.
The first step is to get unstuck. Many people spend years telling themselves that they’re going to change “one day.” They spend years worrying about the problem instead of working on it.
Maybe they’re waiting for the “perfect” weight-loss program, the “perfect” smoking-cessation program, or the “perfect” time to stop drinking.
“I’ll change when the time is right.” How many times have you heard that one?
Many people are never able to make a serious commitment to change, even though their life depends on it.
Imagine What Life Will Be Like
When You’re Free…
Even good change threatens our sense of security. When you’re used to something, the thought of losing it can cause you to panic and get stuck where you are, no matter how much you have to gain by changing.
Your capacity to shift your focus from the past to the present is the key to breaking bad habits. You can’t make a decision to change as long as you’re still focused on the past.
Learning that you can choose your own feelings, words, and actions makes you a free person and a powerful person…
This special guide will give you the information and strategy you need to free yourself from bad habits forever.
Did you know that: 45% of clients who seek a professional therapist drop out of therapy after two or three sessions?
And did you know that: for every person who quits smoking by following a treatment program, there are almost twenty persons who quit on their own?
In this special step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to…
Turn Your Life Around
1) Defeat Daily Temptations
It’s easier to promote a healthy new habit than to get rid of the old one that’s causing all the misery. Trying too hard to break a habit is usually a recipe for failure. As long as you’re focused on the old habit, you’re like a soldier fighting with one hand tied behind his back.
2) Prepare for a Lasting Lifestyle Change
You’ll learn how to replace your bad habits with healthy new habits. Focusing on your new lifestyle is like freeing the hand tied behind your back—suddenly you have power to bring about the change you desire.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide….
The six stages in the process of breaking bad habits
How to replace bad habits with a healthy new lifestyle
How millions of people have succeeded in breaking a bad habit
Why you have a better chance of freeing yourself from a bad habit by taking responsibility for your own program
Why successful preparation for change means that you set goals for yourself
Why change is not an event, but a process
Why most successful self-changers fail at least once before they succeed
Why willpower alone isn’t enough
Why quitting a habit cold turkey usually doesn’t work
Why a commitment to a more active lifestyle is one of the keys to breaking a bad habit
And a lot more!