About Beverly’s Coaching and Recordings
“I must also mention the incredible women in my life, such as my mother Rita Sanford, Beverly Taylor (whose hypnotherapy tapes help me cope with surgery and life goals) and our team psychologist and fellow UCLA alum Janice Furst.” Brendon Ayanbadejo, NFL Linebacker, three time Pro Bowl player, AFC Defensive Player of the Week. Quoted from article in The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendon-ayanbadejo/the-raven-with-broken-win_b_316077.html?awesm=fbshare.me_B1l
About the Easy Key to Life™ Method
Beverly, I love your Easy Key to Life™ method and especially this part: The hypnotherapist doesn’t need scripts with this method.
The client makes all decisions and choices.
The client is really in full control.
The client is not told what to do at any point.
The client is empowered to make all decisions.
One of the challenges that hypnotherapists and coaches have is trying to help enable or empower change, but being able to do it in a way that is fluid and changing as necessary among clients, but the old method of using scripts doesn’t lend itself well to that. Thanks for sharing! Sean M.
Individual Sessions with the Easy Key to Life™ Method
“The Easy Key to Life method helped me tremendously. I wouldn’t say I was skeptical before trying hypnotherapy but I had no experience with any type of hypnosis or hypnotherapy before seeking out Beverly Taylor and the Easy Key to Life. After my first session I was convinced that hypnotherapy does work because not only could I tell but my Wife noticed a marked difference in my self confidence and my attitude towards a difficult exam I was preparing for. The exam I took was 6 hours, 165 question’s and is regulated by the State with a Proctor looking over your shoulder the whole time. After my therapy sessions with Beverly my confidence level increased tremendously and I no longer felt anxiety about studying or taking the exam. I took the exam and passed the first time and I should mention that the failure rate is over 70%! I know going forward in my life, I will face similar experiences with an improved sense of self confidence and a positive attitude. The hypnotherapy process erased the way I was conditioned to think, improved my self confidence and set me off on the right track.” Tony M.
“Thank you Beverly for the wonderfully useful information! Both the Gender Brain Chemistry neuro-chemical facts and the Easy Key to Life™ Program will be life changing in their power for helping clients. I love the work and appreciate your presentation!”
Janice S., CHT, PhD
“Beverly Taylor’s clutter work cleans up the basic mental and emotional clutter, which then manifests in the outside environment and would otherwise take years of psychotherapy. Revealing the immense power of the mind, this work is world changing.”
“Drew”, Clutter Study Participant
“Thank you Beverly. My new job would not have manifested itself without your unconditional love and support, not to mention the technical and professional influence you added to my search for employment. Your ‘Easy Key to Life™’ method is indeed inspiring. My testimonial is unequivical, your techniques work! Releasing emotional baggage and discarding self-limiting beliefs was the key.” Joe A.
“Beverly, thank you so much for all your help. I absolutely love your “Easy Key To Life Method”! It is straight-forward, easy and very powerful. As a new CHT I learned different ways of doing a session; yours truly resonates with me. I am seeing a client who is auditioning for “American Idol 2008″ and I went from feeling nervous with a knot in my throat to confident that I will serve my client well. I realized once again what a wonderful and gifted teacher you are.” Esther Ailor CHT
“At the Vets Hospital, they had all these psychiatrists with all these degrees and lots of drugs for me to take for lots of diagnoses. Then I met Beverly Keyes Taylor, and her “Easy Key to Life” method was simple and easy and it gave me my life back.
My life was difficult. I had too many things to do each day and didn’t get them done. My thought process was complicated, convoluted and dramatized. It was holding me hostage. I couldn’t hold a normal job.
I now know that it was just the thought process. Easy Key to Life gave me clarity for how to approach things. It quieted my mind, reducing the brain chatter. Instead of thinking about how to get things done, spinning my wheels, I’m now just executing and just doing it. And now I’m beginning to work and make money.” Carol B.
“Without effort, I was motivated to do the tasks at hand and move toward the goal of a tidy and organized environment in my home.”
“Anne”, Clutter Study Participant
“Beverly is a natural healer with a wonderful gift. She was very helpful in my personal growth.”
Seth R., Registered Nurse
“I find Beverly’s work to be innovative, caring, and thoughtful. I would recommend her to anyone.”
Vicki E., Massage Therapist
“I never thought it would be possible to so easily quit my 3 pack a day cigarette habit. After just one session, I didn’t even notice I wasn’t smoking until 6 hours had passed! It’s been years and I’ve never smoked since that day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Victor S., Sales Manager
“After only one session plus the Isagenix nutritional products, I lost 28 pounds in just 4 months!”
“Judy”, Therapist
“Beverly, you saved my life. After one session with you, I stopped drinking. Before that I was about to lose my fiancé, children and job. Thank you so very, very much.”
“Mike”, Carpenter
“My deep thanks to you. I no longer feel that I will ever try suicide again. The dark sadness is gone. I feel that life is wonderful.”
Sheldon C., Maintenance Man
“I feel so very, very happy now that I don’t have the daily panic attacks. You saved my life. I can go back to work now and my family won’t have to worry so much about me.”
“Maria”, Housecleaner
Only one session stopped my life long nail biting habit! It has definitely helped my self-esteem.
Carolyn C., Sales Rep
About Beverly’s Clutter Books, ebooks and Program
Clutter to Clarity (TM) : The Easy Key to Organizing
” Clutter to Clarity (TM) brings a unique, new approach to the ever growing issue of clutter. By combining guided imagery with organizational techniques, Beverly provides an in-depth understanding of the topic, together with practical advice and a thorough program.”
John Gray, Ph.D.
author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
” This book is a first of its kind. Clutter to Clarity (TM) is jam packed with vital information. I heartily recommend it to both the new and seasoned professional as a tool for helping the client create life-affirming change. ”
Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D. – Founder of Infinity Institute International, Inc and
the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®.
“Overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? Clutter to Clarity (TM) is an excellent resource! In this book Beverly Taylor outlines a practical and spiritual approach to permanently resolving an issue that is frustrating for millions. I especially enjoyed the case history of a client channeling answers through her inner wisdom.”
Katherine Zimmerman, CHT
author of Hypnosis in Action: Verbatim Case Histories Using EFT, Parts Therapy and Other Powerful Modalities
” Clutter to Clarity (TM) offers a welcome understanding of the deeper issues involved with clutter. Beverly provides ‘tips and tricks’ that range from practical to inspirational, insightful and deeply healing. For a professional organizer, it is important that we blend our practical advice with this understanding, and we can now work collaboratively with hypnotherapists. Clutter to Clarity (TM) is a valuable resource for all … those of us who are cluttered, our loved ones …, and our organizers and hypnotherapists!”
Anita Berg
Professional Organizer, Anita Berg Organizing
Beverly Taylor’s Clutter to Clarity™ program played a huge part in my transformation into a happier, more confident, more organized, and definitely less cluttered person. Before Clutter to Clarity™, I didn’t think it was possible for me to be this balanced and unattached to my “stuff”. Carol B.
THANK YOU BEVERLY, You have NO IDEA how much you have been helping me to deal and face with my clutter issue. Sincerely, Susan S.
About Beverly’s Guided Meditation CDs
Pre and Post Surgery CD
” I would like to recommend Beverly’s Pre and Post Surgery CD. I recently had a major surgery and used it as part of my preparation for and healing from the operation. I had a wonderful surgical experience! I had very little discomfort and didn’t need much pain medication after. I was up and shopping three days later! My surgeon said I recovered quicker than any patient he’d performed this surgery on. I previously had a similar procedure and had been drained of energy for some time after. I had no problem with that this time. I also used other techniques to improve my outcome, but feel this CD was an instrumental part of my healing. I would encourage anyone needing surgery to use this CD. ”
Penny J.
“I must also mention the incredible women in my life, such as my mother Rita Sanford, Beverly Taylor (whose hypnotherapy tapes help me cope with surgery and life goals) and our team psychologist and fellow UCLA alum Janice Furst.” Brendon Ayanbadejo, NFL Linebacker, three time Pro Bowl player, AFC Defensive Player of the Week. Quoted from article in The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendon-ayanbadejo/the-raven-with-broken-win_b_316077.html?awesm=fbshare.me_B1l
About the Clutter to Clarity™ Workshops
“This Clutter to Clarity™ class has given me the tools to not only de-clutter my own life, but to offer help to the massive population that is becoming motivated to change their lives as well. Two clients with whom I’ve worked are in the process of de-cluttering. I visit their home frequently for another purpose and they recently remarked (in reply to my taking notice of how nice their home is looking) they weren’t doing anything different. They didn’t even REALIZE they were de-cluttering!”
Barbara H., RN, CHT, CMT, NBP
“This course made me realize that nothing is WRONG with me for being a clutterer. It helped me to stop beating myself up and that uncluttering over a period of time is okay. I don’t have to do it all at once. I love the techniques and will use them.”
LaBarbara D., Hypnotherapist and Property Manager
“I have been waiting my whole life for something to help me with this! I am so looking forward to spreading this work. It will be life changing.”
Ruth S., Hypnotherapist
“Beverly is a very open, compassionate person – eager and ready to share.”
Paula A., Hypnotherapist
“I really enjoyed the class. Beverly teaches in a truly non-judgmental, non-authoritarian way, good for many areas.”
Barbara A., Hypnotherapist
“Thank you – I found this a mind-opening and loving touch. From clutter to love of self as you are and are not. ‘Perfectionism is mine sayeth the Lord.’ – Wow! It’s not our place to be perfectionists.”
Barbara B., Hypnotherapist
“I want you to know that you were personally helpful to me. My house is looking better than ever and I’m feeling lighter and so much more comfortable in the house and in myself… Next will be getting into routines that keep my desk more functional. Just hearing your patient, kind words at the workshop allowed me to release the embarrassment that fueled the procrastination. Thank you.” Julianne F., Psychologist
“A great job of combining theory, technique and gentle demonstration of helping clutterers! This is such a needed area of work.”
Martha B., RN, MSW, MPH, CHT
“This course will give you a much clearer idea of what a prevalent problem ‘clutter’ is and how, with love and acceptance, one can find clarity!”
Corla B., Hypnotherapist and Wilderness Guide
“This class is worth the time and money. With this course and the book I feel equipped to serve people with this issue.”
Monica M., Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
“Amazing eye opener as to the pervasive need and the levels of clutter. The included hypnosis session planted seeds of gentle, baby steps for de-cluttering.”
Patricia B., Complementary Psychotherapist