What you will find inside Unleashing the Creative New You!
How to conquer procrastination, fear, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and perfectionism.
An awesome way to avoid losing all those marvelous ideas your creative mind is capable of churning out.
The first step to solving any problem.
How creative activities can take away stress and improve your health.
How to achieve a Zen-like state of creativity.
What you need to do to assure yourself of creative success.
How to apply your creative energy to your daily life.
How to develop a higher IQ.
How to counter the dreaded “enemies” of your creativity.
How to be a genius.
How you can keep employees happily coming up with innovative ideas.
How many ideas an average child can generate compared to an adult. You’ll be surprised!
The many forms of creativity.
How to know when you have made contact with the creative spirit.
What leaves us too drained to be truly creative.
The biggest difference in our brains and those of so-called geniuses.
A checklist to evaluate how creative you are.
Vital tools and skills to enhance your creativity.
Examples of companies who got a huge return on their investment by offering creative courses.
How meditation and hypnosis can help unleash your creativity.
One of the necessary components to your happiness and mental health.
A key ingredient in your creative life.
Why it’s okay to sit and do nothing once in a while.
How smart employers create creative, problem-solving forces.
The dangers of the notorious “inner critic.”
An excellent way to teach your mind to focus and concentrate on your own creativity.
What Benjamin Franklin did to stimulate his thinking.
How to know if you are becoming creative automatically.
The wonder of the magical “serendipity.”
How to come up with creative ways to solve your problems.
The difference between the mind of a genius and the mind of an ordinary person.
Signs of genius.
The function of the left and right side of the brain.
How to shift from one side of the brain to the other.
How to allow necessary information to get through to your consciousness, giving you a whole world of inspiration.
What Albert Einstein would do when he has a problem.
How creativity and change depend on one another.
Personal changes that require a great deal of creativity.
The largest group of creative people.
The capabilities of right-handed and left-handed people.
How to come up with all manners of creative ideas to deal with any aspects of your life.
How children are likened to Zen Masters.
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Definition of Creativity 4
Chapter 2. Are You Creative? 6
Chapter 3. Integrate Creativity Into Your Life 13
Chapter 4. Creativity in the Work Place 15
Chapter 5. Nurturing the Creativity Within 21
Chapter 6. Oops! It’s Okay to Make Mistakes 24
Chapter 7. Enemies of Creativity 26
Chapter 8. Creativity-The First Cousin to Genius 32
Chapter 9. Left Brain, Right Brain 35
Chapter 10. Creativity and Change 45
Chapter 11. Baby Boomers and Creativity 49
Chapter 12. Zen and the Art of Creative Maintenance 53