Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight

Don’t waste your time and money on fad diets that never work…Instead, grab the only source of quality information on teen weight loss done the right way!

Guide To Help Teenagers
Lose Weight

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Never Before Revealed Information!

2 Of The Main Benefits to Helping Your Teen Lose Weight

1) A decrease in the likelihood of health risks

Studies show that being overweight plays a major role in health risks such as heart disease, respiratory problems, hormonal imbalances…and several more. Are you willing to risk your teen’s future health?

2) Increased self esteem, leading to an improvement in overall lifestyle

Self esteem plays an important role in today’s society, and being overweight can have a serious effect on your teen’s mental well being. Your teen is far likelier to excel in adulthood if they are at or below their recommended body mass index. Is your teen’s success in the future at risk due to being overweight now?

Here is what you will learn inside this guide….

What are the psychological issues for overweight teens? In this chapter, you’ll learn all about the mental issues that need to be considered. To your teen, the weight may not even be a thought…which makes this an even more difficult situation to approach. Do you know how best to handle it?

How do you go about parenting an overweight teen without creating more problems? Sometimes, saying, or doing the wrong thing could make matters worse. It takes just the right amount of parenting to handle this delicate situation.

How can teens lose weight safely and quickly? We’ll reveal the safest, and fastest ways for a teen to lose weight quickly. One thing you never want to do, is to jump on one of the “fad” diets. The actual best way may be surprising…

How worried should you, as a parent, be about your teens weight? It’s normal, and appropriate for a parent to worry about their teen being overweight. But just how worried should you be? We’ll break it down, and reveal the best course of action.

And a lot more!

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Healthy Weight Loss
Healthy Weight Loss

Are you finding that diets don’t work in the long run? Is it hard to motivate yourself to lose weight? Creating a healthy lifestyle is the best way to let the pounds drop off and stay off! Hypnotherapy uses the power of your subconscious mind to achieve success. This recording uses guided imagery to create a healthy body image, then guides your subconscious mind to make it real in your physical body. Put an end to the dieting, losing and regaining weight syndrome, and begin a practice that reduces your obstacles for creating a safe, sensible weight loss. By Beverly Taylor. 34 minutes.

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Weight Loss
Healthy Weight Loss For Teens

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in Americans since the 1990s.

Almost 9 million (15%) children between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight, and this number is still growing, according to information gathered between 1999 and 2000 (triple the number since 1980). The information has also shown that another 15% of children between the ages of 6 and 19 are at risk of becoming overweight.

Obesity is defined as having an excessive accumulation of body fat which will result in the person’s body being about 20% heavier than their ideal body weight.

Although teens may have fewer weight related health issues than adults, if they’re already overweight, they are more likely to be an overweight or obese adult. Teens who are overweight (in fact people of all ages that are overweight) are at risk from a number of health issues:
1. Heart Disease
2. Diabetes
3. High Blood Pressure
4. Stroke
5. Cancer

Those teens who are obese may find that they are physically unfit, have a low self esteem, and general unhealthy well being. Many obese people will also tend to have a shorter life expectancy than those who are the right weight for their body size. Plus, it can also lead to social disabilities and unhappiness, which in turn may cause them stress and in some cases, may make them mentally ill.

A study in May 2004 suggested that overweight children are more likely to be involved in bullying than those children who are a normal weight. But they can not only be the victims of bullying, they may be the perpetrators as well.

The development of their own personal identity and body image is an important goal for any teenager.

There are a number of causes for obesity which center around an imbalance in the teens energy they put into their bodies, (calories that they obtain from the food they eat) and the energy they release from their bodies (how good their metabolism is, and how much physical activity they take part in). Often when a teen is overweight, there is a problem with the nutritional value of their diet. It could also be a result of psychological, familial or physiological issues.

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How To Believe In Yourself And Gain Mastery

We speak a lot about self-worth without using it actually. Rarely do we make a true assessment of ourselves and think about ourselves as we truly are. If we were to become more pragmatic about ourselves, our lives would definitely become much more profitable and productive.

Self-belief and understanding of self-worth is the primary step toward gaining mastery in anything. Mastery doesn’t come without being confident about yourself first.

The first step to believing in yourself is to understand who you really are.

You Are You – Being Realistic about Yourself
One of the most important things you need to do to achieve any kind of success is to be very realistic about yourself. You need to understand who you really are. Now, if you cannot even run for three minutes, you cannot start believing that you can win a gold medal in running, can you? Probably you can if you practice, but certainly not with what you are at present. This is what is extremely important to you when you begin. You have to understand your strengths and your capabilities. Realizing that is a very important step of believing in yourself.

There are people all around you achieving something or the other. Some are experts at playing the guitar, some are very brilliant with accounting, and some are great at housekeeping and so on. When we see such people, we do get impressed and we do say something, “I wish I was like him or her.” This is common human tendency. But that does not help us when we are trying to foster our belief in ourselves. If we are to do that properly, the most important thing we need is to know what we are really capable of.

Take a moment to think. Think what your strengths are. Think what you can do. We are not talking about things that you are an expert in, even some amount of knowledge in that particular area will do. Then take a blank sheet of paper and write down these things. Then arrange them in order. The first three things should be the things that you really do well, followed by things that you can do fairly well, followed by things that you can barely do but you can learn and improve. Take a look at this sheet of paper. Keep it with you always. This is what you are capable of. It is a part of what you are.

This realization is extremely valuable to you when you are trying to make a self assessment. You need to know what you can do and what you can improve upon. If you are trying to become a master at something, it is very important to be sure of yourself and not live under illusions.

Remember that you shouldn’t take what people say at face value. Someone may tell you that you paint well, but that person may be prejudiced. You have to value yourself. Probably entering into a competition will tell you where you stand. At the same time, don’t shoot yourself down too much either. If you are good at something, you are good at it. Don’t get overworked that you aren’t as good as the legends. You can always improve.

The most important thing is to value yourself. When you know your limitations and your potentials, you know you can stand much better on your own.

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How to Develop a Good Memory

Remembering is a process that must be learned, just like walking, talking, eating, telling colors apart, distinguishing sounds, and telling time. You learned these when you were a child, and now you can perform them without effort, without being conscious of the mental processes involved. You can learn the process of using your memory just as thoroughly and when you do you will have in your power a hundred times the knowledge and experience you actually put to use now.

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How To Develop The Guts To Talk With Anyone

Introducing… How To Develop The Guts To Talk With Anyone!

Your GENE for empowered, inspirational living for every aspect of your life!

Make Full Use Of Your Knowledge Right Away!

Let’s face it… Building self esteem comes from inside. As you stretch outside your comfort zone and start actively “marketing” your business with confidence with positive results ~ your self-confidence will grow. With each positive experience of discussing your product or services, you’ll begin to convey that strong, confident business owner image of your dreams.

In life and business, since people are looking for help and guidance, why not learn all you can about it and give this gift to others and at the same time make yourself a SUCCESS?

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How To Leave A Legacy

Legacies aren’t automatic; they are carefully built. You have to cherish the right goals and ideals. This eBook tells you how you should go about it.

Leaving a legacy is something most people don’t consciously think about, and those that do, are thinking of a larger picture, something that’s bigger than life itself. But, how do you leave a legacy for others to follow and peruse?

How to Leave a Legacy
Does the thought of leaving behind a legacy make you feel very small? Oh no, this is not for me, I am not Abraham Lincoln or Albert Einstein or Mother Theresa! Think again. For a change, don’t think of such great internationally acclaimed icons of achievement. Think of someone around you – your friend or relative or colleague at the office or your priest, just anyone who is or was a part of your daily life.

What do you instantly remember about him or her? Did he do something good for you or others? Did she create something special that benefited other people? Did they fight some small injustice in the system and change the rules for better? So you recall that stern old Murphy, your manager at the factory was also a kind and fair boss who was loved and respected by all your co-workers. It strikes you that it was your uncle Jim who led tithe fight to save the old Art Deco cinema house on your street from the wrecking ball and got it registered as a heritage property. And your mother’s incredible apple pies are spoken of by every family for three blocks down the road, all because she generously shared her recipe and egged on the young housewives till they perfected the Art of the Apple Pie!

There you are…that is legacy! When individuals imprint their deeds in the hearts and mind of people around them, they leave behind a legacy. Now think…what do people recall when they think of you right now? Good stuff? Bad stuff? Sad stuff? Oh, you never gave it a thought, did you? Maybe folks around you don’t recall you at all…

Uh oh, that probably makes you feel even smaller than before. But you now know what it means to leave a legacy, and how even the humblest person can leave behind a legacy. So get cracking, bang into the game and start doing YOUR thing – those simple but amazing deeds that will leave behind YOUR legacy.

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How To Live An Optimal Life

What is an optimal life? Is a life where you everything you need and want an optimal life?

How many people do you know who will state that their lives are optimal? If you look around, you might think that happiness has ceased to exist.

But, if you want to make your life optimal, you have to take things in your own hands. You have to shape your own life.

Here is how you can do that, starting today.

What is an optimal life? Is a life where you everything you need and want an optimal life?

What Is an Optimal Life?
Many people speak about their problems in life. In fact, this is one of the hottest topics of conversations. It doesn’t really matter where you meet someone, all it takes is a friendly smile to start pouring out your life’s woes to them. Everyone does the same. The result is that no one really knows how happy one is. Since everyone is talking about their miseries, it does seem that no one around is leading an optimal life.

This is where the problem lies. We think that the term optimal life should have a definition. We think that we should be able to peg down someone’s life entirely and say, “Ah, now his is an optimal life!” But it doesn’t happen that way, does it? You might think that someone with a lot of money or someone with a beautiful wife must have an optimal life. But when you get to know them, you begin to see the great big problems that lie behind this exterior facade of theirs and you realize that their life is not all that hunky-dory as you thought it to be.

There‟s a great saying I am reminded of here –

If everyone were to throw their problems in a pile, and see everyone else’s, they would grab their own right back.

It‟s true. We think the neighbors are always happier than we are. We think they are leading a more optimal life than we are. But if we were really to sit down and make comparisons, quite likely, we would find our problems to be the least.

So, where are we heading with this? The point I want to make here is that our lives are only as optimal as we want them to be. We have it entirely in our hands how beautiful we want to make our lives. If we want to sit and brood that life is toying with us in every way possible, it is. But if we plan to take things in our hands and not let life jerk us around, it won’t.

We have to plan just how much control we want to give our lives.

An optimal life is a very individualistic thing. For us, an optimal life would be one in which we are completely contented and satisfied with whatever we have. It doesn’t matter whether we are rich or poor – if we are satisfied with what we have, it is an optimal life that we live.


What Do We Need for an Optimal Life?
The general notion all across the planet is that you have an optimal life if you have everything. However, it is not what you have that matters; it is how happy you can be with whatever you have. A person earning just $500 a month has an optimal life if he can survive wonderfully within that and can save too. But even a millionaire is not living optimally if his debts far outstrip his earnings.

So, you see, optimal living is not about money.

What is it about then? Is this about living happily within our family? In a great measure, it is. We are only as happy as our family lives are. Since optimal living is all about contentment, having a pleasant family life becomes one of the essential things for it.

But, again, there are people who have what one might think is the ideal family life – great wife, great kids, etc. – but may still not be happy. Hence, there are a few more things you would need for optimal living. Money and family don’t even begin to scratch the surface actually.

The most important thing you need is actually the way you are. Your perspective, your way of thinking, is much more important in deciding whether you life is optimal. You have to condition yourself into thinking that you are living a great life. When your mental balance is perfectly set, you will find that your life really starts taking a turn for the best.

However, that does not mean you should live in poverty and be happy with it. We need the peripherals – we need the money and the love. These are important ingredients for optimal life, but the realization that these are not the only things should also be had early on. A perfect balance of money, health, family and the right mental spirit will help the most in bringing you toward an optimal life. This is what you need to discover.

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How To Lose 10 Pounds Naturally


Why it’s so much harder to keep the weight off now than ever before

How to use the effects of water to help you lose pounds

The 2 most important concepts for losing weight and keeping it off

Why drinking plenty of water is so important

Which popular fruits will fill you up without adding too many calories. Not all fruits are created equal

Which drinks you should stay away from – it’s not just soda pop

What not to do with your vegetables before you eat them

Why fiber is so important and why you need to eat more of it

Which vegetables to avoid and which vegetables to savor

What vegetable you should be eating every day

How to control your sweet tooth

Which fruit juices are acceptable and which are not

Which butters are preferred when trying to lose weight

The truth about canned fruit

Why setting meal times and sticking to them is so important

Why skipping meals can actually make you fall a step behind when trying to lose weight

How many times a day you should be eating

Why eating diversely can help you stick to your diet and keep you from getting sick

The best time to eat breakfast and why

The truth about carbohydrates in your diet

The importance of protein in your daily eating plan

That you do not need to cut out fats

What a non-stick frying pan can do for your weight loss plan

The benefits of fresh parsley

Why you should chew your food 8-12 times before swallowing

Two advantages to exercising outdoors

3 everyday secrets to help you burn calories while at work or play

How to fight the urge to become a couch potato

How to use stairs to your advantage

What meats are preferable when trying to lose weight

How punching your pillow can help you lose weight

What to do with high tech gadgets such as remotes and cell phones to help you burn calories.

Why body massages can be a great tool for losing weight

How good posture can help you burn more calories each day

The value of high fiber multigrain breads

How you can use the concept of “grazing” to actually eat more meals a day and still lose weight

Why smoking can negatively effect your weight loss plan

What TV commercials are good for

What role salt has in obesity

2 great stress relieving and calorie burning activities that you will always have time for

When “cheat food” is acceptable

And more . . .

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How to Quit Smoking
How to Quit Smoking

Have you ever thought about quitting smoking, but either thought it was impossible or just simply wasn’t that important? Research shows that most smokers do want to quit smoking and they are waiting for that auspicious day eagerly. But still, … Read More

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HypnoClutter™ Certification Level 1

If you wish to receive certification in “HypnoClutter™” for the Clutter to Clarity™ program, please see Chapter XII (HypnoClutter™ Certification) of the Clutter to Clarity™ for Practitioners ebook. You receive Level 1 certification as a Certified Clutter to Clarity™ Practitioner by, … Read More

$75.00 Read more
Achieving Goals
Hypnosis for Achieving Goals

Do you want to make it easier to fulfill your goals? Would you like to … stop smoking? …lose weight? … improve concentration? … improve self-esteem? …improve athletic performance?…enhance creativity? Would you like to relieve … stress ? … insomnia? … procrastination? … excess fears? The guided imagery in this CD or tape uses the power of your own subconscious mind to assist you in achieving your own goals.

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