Living an Inspired Life and Inspiring Others


There are two aspects to inspiration – being inspired and inspiring others.

The first of these enriches us and the second helps us enrich others. In this eBook, we shall learn how we can go about achieving both these results – how we can be inspired and how we can inspire others.

Read on and enrich yourself and others.

It is inspiration that keeps us going.

Living an Inspired Life
v. in·spired, in·spir·ing, in·spires
1. To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.
2. To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion
a. To stimulate to action; motivate
b. To affect or touch
3. To draw in (air) by inhaling.
4. Archaic
a. To breathe on.
b. To breathe life into.
What is meant by an inspired life? Is an inspired life lived only by saints and prophets? Is inspired living the sole domain of Enlightened Ones?

The English Dictionary defines inspire‘ as to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence’. It also means to fill with enlivening or exalting emotion’ and to stimulate to action’. Another meaning of the word is to draw in air.

But an archaic meaning of the word  inspire is to breathe life into’! So Inspiration implies a breathing in of life, as well as to give life to others. For ordinary individuals and for everyday life, it means breathing in and out better. Simply put – Living Better.

To live an inspired life is to walk with an enhanced awareness of everyone and everything around you, to see divinity and delight in everyday people and events, and to infuse your environment with the same magical energy.

Again, that sounds mystical and out of reach, doesn’t it? But an Inspired Life can be inculcated through little steps every day – by reading, listening, talking, touching and breathing in only the best and beautiful of experiences. We are conscious beings, constantly being fed by our five senses. Immerse your senses in the inspiring creations of Man and Nature and you will feel the difference.

In these chapters let us explore ways and means of getting that extra special glow of inspiration. How do great people get inspired? What is the raw material for an inspired mind? What blocks the high ways of inspiration? How do we recharge our inspiration? How can we inspire others? Let us embark on a journey to breathe life into ourselves and others!

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Losing Weight Nature’s Way

Losing Weight Nature’s Way is Your Answer!

Have faith. Inside this eBook are the most powerful techniques that I could find anywhere for eliminating excess weight without the use of medication.

You don’t need to use medications or alternative therapies. You will not have to spend any more money on expensive therapist or doctor visits.

By practicing my technique –

Your pounds will disappear.

Your confidence will escalate

And best of all – your weight loss will last forever!

Whether you are at home or at work it just takes seconds for you to implement this program.

You can perform this technique whenever or wherever you happen to be whether you are work, at the mall or socializing with friends.

In Losing Weight Nature’s Way, you will learn –

How to prevent yourself from becoming just another burden and statistic overloading America’s already stressed health system, by taking just a few steps towards improving your general health
How to know if you are truly obese
How weight loss works physically inside your body so you understand the processes it must go through for you to accomplish your goal
How much energy you really need to get through your day, and what amount of food that represents for you to stay healthy yet slim
The difference between gaining weight and gaining muscle
The relationship between weight gain and hibernation leading to social isolation
The relationship between weight gain and refined foods
The benefits of regular exercise combined with sensible eating to lose pounds
Which kinds of exercise are best for losing weight
How to exercise using no equipment at all and still lose weight
How keeping a fat loss journal can help you lose weight
How to figure out the net calories that you burn very day
How to find daily opportunities to exercise in your regular routines
The importance that water plays in weight loss, and how much water you need to drink a day to actually get the weight off of you
The importance of eating vegetables to accomplish your natural weight loss goals
The importance of eating more fruit to lose weight
What are negative calorie foods
The role that Green Tea can play in weight loss
The role that Acai Berries can pay in weight loss
How to use Yerba Mate and incorporate it into your diet plan
How to shed pounds using apple cider vinegar
How to chew your food properly
A comprehensive list of foods that are good for you to eat and that are enjoyable

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Love, Life & Work

By exercise of its faculties the spirit grows, just as a muscle grows strong thru continued use. Expression is necessary. Life is expression, and repression is stagnation–death.

Yet, there can be right and wrong expression. If a man permits his life to run riot and only the animal side of his nature is allowed to express itself, he is repressing his highest and best, and the qualities not used atrophy and die.

Men are punished by their sins, not for them. Sensuality, gluttony, and the life of license repress the life of the spirit, and the soul never blossoms; and this is what it is to lose one’s soul. All adown the centuries thinking men have noted these truths, and again and again we find individuals forsaking in horror the life of the senses and devoting themselves to the life of the spirit. This question of expression through the spirit, or through the senses–through soul or body–has been the pivotal point of all philosophy and the inspiration of all religion.

Every religion is made up of two elements that never mix any more than oil and water mix. A religion is a mechanical mixture, not a chemical combination, of morality and dogma. Dogma is the science of the unseen: the doctrine of the unknown and unknowable. And in order to give this science plausibility, its promulgators have always fastened upon it morality. Morality can and does exist entirely separate and apart from dogma, but dogma is ever a parasite on morality, and the business of the priest is to confuse the two.

But morality and religion never saponify. Morality is simply the question of expressing your life forces–how to use them? You have so much energy; and what will you do with it? And from out the multitude there have always been men to step forward and give you advice for a consideration. Without their supposed influence with the unseen we might not accept their interpretation of what is right and wrong. But with the assurance that their advice is backed up by Deity, followed with an offer of reward if we believe it, and a threat of dire punishment if we do not, the Self-appointed Superior Class has driven men wheresoever it willed. The evolution of formal religions is not a complex process, and the fact that they embody these two unmixable things, dogma and morality, is a very plain and simple truth, easily seen, undisputed by all reasonable men. And be it said that the morality of most religions is good. Love, truth, charity, justice and gentleness are taught in them all. But, like a rule in Greek grammar, there are many exceptions. And so in the morality of religions there are exceptional instances that constantly arise where love, truth, charity, gentleness and justice are waived on suggestion of the Superior Class, that good may follow. Were it not for these exceptions there would be no wars between Christian nations.

The question of how to express your life will probably never down, for the reason that men vary in temperament and inclination. Some men have no capacity for certain sins of the flesh; others there be, who, having lost their inclination for sensuality through too much indulgence, turn ascetics. Yet all sermons have but one theme: how shall life be expressed? Between asceticism and indulgence men and races swing.

Asceticism in our day finds an interesting manifestation in the Trappists, who live on a mountain top, nearly inaccessible, and deprive themselves of almost every vestige of bodily comfort, going without food for days, wearing uncomfortable garments, suffering severe cold; and should one of this community look upon the face of a woman he would think he was in instant danger of damnation. So here we find the extreme instance of men repressing the faculties of the body in order that the spirit may find ample time and opportunity for exercise.

Somewhere between this extreme repression of the monk and the license of the sensualist lies the truth. But just where is the great question; and the desire of one person, who thinks he has discovered the norm, to compel all other men to stop there, has led to war and strife untold. All law centers around this point–what shall men be allowed to do? And so we find statutes to punish “strolling play actors,” “players on fiddles,” “disturbers of the public conscience,” “persons who dance wantonly,” “blasphemers,” and in England there were, in the year 1800, thirty-seven offenses that were legally punishable by death. What expression is right and what is not, is simply a matter of opinion. One religious denomination that now exists does not allow singing; instrumental music has been to some a rock of offense, exciting the spirit through the sense of hearing, to improper thoughts–“through the lascivious pleasing of the lute”; others think dancing wicked, while a few allow pipe-organ music, but draw the line at the violin; while still others use a whole orchestra in their religious service. Some there be who regard pictures as implements of idolatry; while the Hook-and-Eye Baptists look upon buttons as immoral.

Strange evolutions are often witnessed within the life of one individual. For instance, Leo Tolstoy, a great and good man, at one time a sensualist, has now turned ascetic; a common evolution in the lives of the saints. But excellent as this man is, there is yet a grave imperfection in his cosmos which to a degree vitiates the truth he desires to teach: he leaves the element of beauty out of his formula. Not caring for harmony as set forth in color, form and sweet sounds, he is quite willing to deny all others these things which minister to their well-being. There is in most souls a hunger for beauty, just as there is physical hunger. Beauty speaks to their spirits through the senses; but Tolstoy would have your house barren to the verge of hardship. My veneration for Count Tolstoy is profound, yet I mention him here to show the grave danger that lies in allowing any man, even one of the wisest of men, to dictate to us what is best. We ourselves are the better judges. Most of the frightful cruelties inflicted on men during the past have arisen simply out of a difference of opinion that arose through a difference in temperament. The question is as alive to-day as it was two thousand years ago–what expression is best? That is, what shall we do to be saved? And concrete absurdity consists in saying that we must all do the same thing. Whether the race will ever grow to a point where men will be willing to leave the matter of life-expression to the individual is a question; but the millennium will never arrive until men cease trying to compel all other men to live after one pattern.

Most people are anxious to do what is best for themselves and least harmful for others. The average man now has intelligence enough: Utopia is not far off, if the self-appointed folk who rule us, and teach us for a consideration, would only be willing to do unto others as they would be done by, that is to say, mind their own business and cease coveting things that belong to other people. War among nations and strife among individuals is a result of the covetous spirit to possess.

A little more patience, a little more charity for all, a little more love; with less bowing down to the past, and the silent ignoring of pretended authority; a brave looking forward to the future, with more self-confidence and more faith in our fellow men, and the race will be ripe for a great burst of life and light.

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Meditation – Self Enlightenment

Have you tried meditation to solve your stress and health problems? If you haven’t done so yet, now may be one of the best times to make that experience a reality. Mediation is one of the most sought after forms of stress relief and is even recommended by many doctors.

Something that valuable is something that you should be striving to learn. If you are someone that spends your evenings worrying, stressing about all that needs to get done and even feeling physically bad without being sick, then meditation may be an ideal solution for you.

In meditation, you transform the way that your mind is working. While you can’t say that it’s a simple process, meditation is something that you can easily learn to do and then use daily.

In fact, studies show that when you do allow yourself (especially your mind) to meditate for just a few minutes each day, you can reduce the stress levels you face improving your quality of life. Indeed, lowering stress levels also can improve your physical self.

In this book, you’ll learn how meditation can change your life. It is merely a guide to get you started, though.

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Meditation For Everyday Living

Meditation is a process that allows you are to reform your mind. You can guide your mind and body to relaxation; reform your thinking, etc. You do this by evaluating your overall behaviors, lifestyle, history, etc. The process is simple. Yet, if you are not accustom to meditation you will need to learn a few basics steps to start living healthier by reforming your way of thinking.

To help you get started we will consider organic living, yoga practices, relaxation, and other helpful topics that will guide you to meditate effectively. You will only need to take a few moments of each day to practice meditating. Practice will help you to learn effectively and make it easier to reform your way of living by reforming your thinking patterns. Once you reform your thinking patterns, you will start to notice improvements, since your behaviors will change also.

Again, you need practice. Practice is essential, so when you start the processes of meditation to self-development, practice each day.

Since there are a few ways to start a meditation process, let us begin with organic living through mediation in self-development. This is probably the best way to go, since your body and mind demands natural processes to live healthy.

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Natural Detox

By now, you have most likely heard about body detoxification as it is very much in vogue, especially with celebrities. You might have wondered about the idea of colon cleansing and how it works. When you first hear about body detoxification, you may conjure up images in your mind that are unpleasant. Once you get to understand about body detoxification and how it works, however, you will have a different opinion.

Body detoxification concentrates on cleaning out your digestive system, usually by drinking a solution that is made to clear out your intestines and give the organs in your digestive system a boost. Although it may sound like a surgical procedure, body detoxification only involves drinking and then going to the bathroom. That is all there is to the procedure. It works to make sure that your digestive system is healthy.

When your digestive system is in good working order, your whole body sings. If your digestive system is not healthy, then your whole body suffers. In order to have a healthy body, you must have a healthy digestive system.

But your digestive system is the catch all for all of the toxins that you take into your body. Even if you are a healthy person who does not smoke, does not drink and eats only organic foods, you are still taking in toxins. They are in the air that your breathe, the water that you drink and….well, just about everywhere. These toxins linger in the body and find their way to the digestive system – a vital system that you need to maintain good health.

The digestive system is comprised of organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines. Foods usually enter the digestive system through the stomach and are then passed for processing through the digestive tract. Some foods and drinks that you take in make the kidneys and pancreas work overtime in processing them. All of the organs in the digestive system have a job to do in order to keep your body running healthy. Once food and drink is processed in the system, it is then eliminated by way of waste. Liquids are eliminated by urine and solid waste is eliminated through the intestines as feces.

In some cases, foods can end up getting stuck in the intestines. There are cases where people have had elements in their intestines for 10 years! In addition, the organs also take a beating when it comes to getting rid of toxins as well as some foods that can be difficult for these organs to process. Simple carbohydrates, for example, are very hard on the kidneys and pancreas as well as the liver as they tend to pass through quickly and make these organs work overtime.

Toxins in the air that you breathe enter the system through the circulatory system that brings blood to and from the organs. When you smoke, for example, the smoke is absorbed into your bloodstream and carried throughout your body. This negatively affects the digestive system. Even second hand smoke will take its toll.

Your skin is your biggest organ and when you take a bath or shower using chemicals as are featured in shampoo and soap, you are absorbing toxins into your skin. When you breath in air, you take the toxins into your lungs. It is impossible to live your life toxin free, although a good many people try. You are going to eventually go out and pick up germs that are in the air. It is inevitable that you will come into contact with toxins unless you decide to live your life in a plastic bubble.

body detoxification clears the body of all of the toxins and foods that sit in the digestive system. Not only is it a good way to get the poisons out of your body, but it also works well when it comes to losing weight. Most people find that they can take off quite a few pounds simply by using body detoxification.

Drinking body detoxification fluid is similar to taking a barium enema, except you do not have to drink as much and it tastes much better. A barium enema completely clears out your intestines and is usually given to those who are having tests done on their colon or other digestive organs. This eliminates all of the waste from the body and makes you feel lighter. Not only can it get rid of toxins, but it can get rid of any waste that is lingering in your intestines.

Drinking the body detoxification formula is one of the first steps towards being healthier. You should also take proper precautions when it comes to your health and eat right, exercise and avoid bad habits. body detoxification should be seen as a way to enhance your health, help you lose weight and keep your digestive system healthy. Good body detoxification will also fill your body with the nutrients that you may be lacking so that you stay healthy as well.

This book will teach you all about body detoxification at home and what you need to know about this way of staying fit and healthy. You will learn about the different aspects of body detoxification, who should body cleanse and even how to make your own body detoxification treatments right at home. If you are looking for a way to lose weight, stay healthy and keep your digestive system in good working order, you can find it by embarking on body detoxification.

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Natural Treatments for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis is a condition that is suffered by many millions of people all over the world, with various developed countries reporting incidence rates that are remarkably similar.

For instance, in the USA, the reported rate of severe psoriasis is somewhere between 2% and 3% of the population, whilst in Australia, the condition affects around 2% of the population as well.

Furthermore, it is suggested in some quarters that up to 20% of the population of the USA may have some form of psoriasis ranging from the very mild to severe, and that perhaps as many as 4.5 million people could be serious psoriasis sufferers.

On top of this, it is reported that there are 150,000 new cases of psoriasis reported every year in the USA alone, so if it is assumed that psoriasis is as prevalent in other countries as it is in the States, it clearly represents a significant problem on a global scale.

For psoriasis sufferers, there is something of a ‘good news, bad news’ paradox with which most of these people have undoubtedly already learned to live.

The good news is that, on the one hand, psoriasis is not a condition that is life threatening (although it has been suggested that the condition increases the risk of heart attack). Balanced against this however is the fact that psoriasis can bring a great deal of misery to both sufferers and their families, so it is not a condition that can be ignored.

Furthermore, because it can develop into something far more unpleasant and painful, psoriasis is a condition that sufferers have to treat.

As with any medical condition or complaint, there are many different ways of treating or dealing with psoriasis, some of which are dependent on pharmaceutical drugs whilst others are completely natural. And of course, it almost always follows that treating any medical condition naturally is the best way of doing things if such treatments are going to be appropriate and effective.

The purpose of this book is to examine what psoriasis is and what causes it in greater detail, before looking at the various different ways of treating the condition.

Armed with this information, you should be in a position to consider and decide whether using pharmaceutical drugs is a good idea for treating your own psoriasis condition or whether using 100% natural methods of treating your condition is a better idea.

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Overcome Shyness 101

Discover The Secrets to Overcome Shyness!

In this report, you will discover:

1) Learn why you are shy

You may think that shyness is just an inherited condition that you can not do anything about. By exploring why you are shy and how it affects every aspect of your life, you can have a better understanding of why shyness is and what you can do to face it and overcome this personality trait.

2) Learn how to get out there and socialize!

Not only does this book give you a handle on what it is like to be shy, but it also gives you explicit instructions on how to overcome shyness and start to socialize with others. The tips that you pick up in this book are those that a counselor will recommend. For a fraction of the price, you can get all of the tips that you would get if you enrolled in a counseling program downloaded right to your computer!

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Overcoming The Storms Of Life

“Have you always wanted to empower your family life? This book reveals all the secrets on how to empower your life, and the life of your loved ones!”

Overcoming The Storms Of Life – A Guide to Spiritual and Personal Empowerment!

Everything you need to know about empowerment is included in this special report:

* How to Give Yourself Empowerment

* How to Give your Children Empowerment

* How to Empower your Budget

* How to Realize Empowerment from Others

* How to Use Empowerment to Better your Life

* How to Use Empowerment to Boost your Career

* How to Use Empowerment in Social Situations

* Principles of Empowerment

I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I learned about empowerment I share with you.

This is the most comprehensive report on empowerment you will ever read!.

Even if you believe you are currently healthy, there is something important to learn in this report on how to achieve empowerment.

I show you the tools, tips and strategies you need to balance health and happiness while aging.

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Personal Development Gurus

“Personal Development Gurus Exposed”
Lessons from 10 of the best personal development gurus today!

In this book, you will learn all about:

Tony Robbins-Learning How to Achieve Bigger Things

Steve Pavlina-Quit Griping

Brian Tracy-Eat A Toad

Robert Kiyosaki-Why Network Marketing Is Good

Deepak Chopra- Synchrodensity

Jim Rohn-Work More Efficiently

Much MORE!

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quit smoking
Quit Smoking

Why Quit Smoking
Simply because you can quit smoking. It may not necessarily be easy to do but there has been
a multitude of people who have already made the decision to quit smoking and have
successfully done so. When you know what to expect you will position yourself for to be
successful in your attempt to quit. In addition to feeling better you will reap many other benefits
from your decision to stop smoking.
Personal Health
The main reason people usually make the decision to quit smoking is centered on health issues.
It is a known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer but it can do many other things as well to
your health

  • Various other cancers in addition to lung cancer
  • Emphysema and chronic bronchitis,
  • heart condition increasing risk for heart attack
  • peripheral vascular disease,
  • Increased risk for stroke
  • premature aging of the skin,
  • bad breath, bad smelling clothes and hair and yellowing of fingernails.
  • Increased risk during pregnancy including miscarriages and lower birth-weight babies

No matter how long you have smoked, when you quit smoking you will benefit from doing so. If
you stop smoking before age 35 you can actually prevent 90% of the health risk associated with
smoking. To quit smoking later in life will still provide benefits and reduce the risk of diseases
associated with smoking.

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Quit Snoring

Discover How to Stop Snoring Quickly & Easily … Without Undergoing Any Risky Surgery!

Here’s Your Chance to Learn Astonishing Non-Surgical Cures for Snoring That Will Have You Sleeping & Feeling Better … in No Time!

If you are unable to get a good night’s sleep due to your own or someone else’s snoring …

Or if you, or a loved one, often wake up gasping for breath or have to continually adjust your sleeping position …

… Then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!

Here’s why:

I’m about to reveal the secrets that will finally help you, or your loved one, stop snoring and get a good night’s sleep tonight … and tomorrow night … and the night after that … and the night after that … and so on!

But first, before we go any farther, let me ask you a quick question:

Did You Know That Snoring is Often Not Just a Minor Annoying Problem But a Symptom of a Much More Serious Health Condition?

Well, it’s true.

You see snoring can also be a symptom of 9 major health conditions, including a potentially life-threatening condition called Sleep Apnea.

Sleep Apnea is when a person involuntarily stops breathing while asleep. It is Sleep Apnea that causes a snorer to breathe so heavily, not to mention loudly.

Sleep Apnea is also what causes a person to wake up gasping, or to continually adjust their sleeping position over and over throughout the night resulting in a lack of deep rest, which has a cumulative degenerative effect on a person, affecting their mood, temperament, and ability to focus, concentrate and be a productive individual.

And that’s why if you or a loved one currently snores, I urge you to continue reading this letter to discover the ebook that contains all the tips and information you need to know to stop snoring … without undergoing any risky surgery!

Introducing “Quit Snoring Now: Take Back Your Nights!”

At last, there’s a well-researched, well-written ebook that is jam-packed with the techniques and secrets you need to know to stop snoring and begin enjoying restful sleep!

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